Category: Grade Four Language Arts

Make sentences with the following abstract nouns

Common Abstract Nouns Showing Human Qualities or Characteristics Beauty Bravery Brilliance Brutality Calm Charity Coldness Compassion Confidence Contentment Courage Curiosity Dedication Determination Ego Elegance Enthusiasm Envy Evil Fear Generosity Goodness Graciousness Hatred Honesty Honor Hope Humility Humor Insanity Integrity Intelligence Jealousy Kindness Loyalty Maturity Patience Perseverance Sanity Self-control Sensitivity Sophistication Stupidity Sympathy Talent Tolerance Trust…...

Compound Words

Words can be joined together in a variety of ways to form many different words. When these words come together and for a new word, with a new meaning, this word is referred to as a compound word. Watch the video below to learn more!…

Language Arts Quiz–November 5, 2014

Complete each sentence using the correct form of the word in capitals. 1) PERSUADE–After much _______ Mary decided to go on the trip to Dunn’s River Falls. a) Persuade b) Persuasion c) Persuasive d) Persuades   2) ENCOURAGE–My teacher’s _______ helped me to succeed in school. a) Encouraging b) Encourages c) Encourage d) Encouragement  …...

Possessive Pronouns

We use possessive pronouns to refer to a specific person/people or thing/things belonging to a person/people (sometimes belonging to an animal/animals or thing/things). We use possessive pronouns depending on the number, person or gender. See the table below: The pronouns in the table above can stand on their own. The ones presented here below cannot…...

Language Arts Worksheet–August 13, 2014

Read the following passage, then answer items 1-4. The shark’s principal food is not man. It’s fish. But man also eats fish. So, he shark and man both want the same food. Until a few years ago, this didn’t disturb the balance of nature. There were enough fish in the sea for both sharks and…...

Interrogative Pronouns

These pronouns interrogate; they ask questions. Example Who is that? Which one belongs to her? What did he say? There are four main interrogative pronouns: who, whom, what and which. The personal possessive pronoun whose can also be used interrogatively. Example Whose car is that? The pronouns which, what and whose, are subjects as well…...

Relative Pronouns

A relative pronoun introduces a relative clause. A relative clause is a kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It gives more information about a noun, allows your text to sound more fluent and you can avoid repeating certain words. These clauses as mentioned above…...

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns represent a thing or things. Example 1 This is my apple! That is her peach! Demonstrative pronouns can also represent whether or not something is near or far in distance or time. Example 2 Something near singular: This evening. Something near plural: These shoes. Something far singular: That bag. Something far plural: Those…...

Personal Pronouns

A pronoun is a word which takes the place of a noun which has already been referred to or is understood. They can be classified as: personal, demonstrative, relative and interrogative. Personal Pronouns These take the place of proper names or nouns with articles, eg. “the man”. Subjective and objective forma of the personal pronouns…...

Collective Nouns

Collective nouns define a group or collection of people, animals or things. Example “A heard of elephants”, the word herd is the collective noun in this case. A collective noun can also be made plural. Example A pack of wolves as opposed to four packs of wolves.   Complete the quiz below. Read more →...


What is a synonym? Synonyms are different words with similar meanings. These different words are interchangeable in the correct context. Example Word: pleasant Synonym: nice It is a pleasant day. OR It is a nice day. Note that the meaning of the sentence does not change. Exercise Instructions: Please complete this activity with an adult.…...

Proper Nouns Quiz–February 10, 2014

Choose the proper noun in the sentences below: 1. Let’s have lunch at McDonald’s. 2. There are 12 months in a year. 3. My favourite movie if Greece. 4. Lisa works as a programmer at Misrosoft. 5. I live in a small town in England. 6. My cousin lives in the USA 7. I want…...

Language Arts Worksheet – 20 Questions

This worksheet tests mainly your vocabulary in many different ways. Please complete. If you have any questions do not hesitate to comment. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. 1. I __________ before climbing the hill because I was unsure I could do it. a. hesitated b. humiliated c. desperately d. advise   2.…...