Category: Grade Four Mathematics

Adding two digit numbers mentally

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Grade Four Math Interactive Games

Fourth grade math Here is a list of all of the math skills students learn in fourth grade! These skills are organized into categories, and you can move your mouse over any skill name to view a sample question. To start practicing, just click on any link. IXL will track your score, and the questions…...

Fraction problem generator, thousands of questions

Select your worksheet topic: What is a fraction? (Basic introduction to fractions) Equivalent Fractions & Simplifying Fractions Proper Fractions, Improper Fractions and Mixed Fractions The Highest Common Factor (HCF) and the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) Comparing Common Fractions Adding and Subtracting Fractions Multiplying Fractions Dividing Fractions Finding a fraction of a quantity Read more →...

Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Like Denominators

Example 1  Subtract 1 2/8 from 2 5/8. There are two ways in which this problem can be worked out. Method 1: We write out the fractions in their proper form (line 1), change the mixed numbers to improper fractions (line 2), subtract them and you have your answer (line 3 and 4). Method 2:…...

Adding Mixed Numbers with Like Denominators

Solve:   The easiest way to complete this problem is to separate the mixed number into the whole number component and the mixed number component. Remember all we did was break out the mixed number into their whole number and fraction parts. We can now group the related parts together: The answer is 9 11/13...

Equivalent Fractions Post/Quiz

Below we have a whole pizza. I divide it into two equal pieces and ate one of the pieces. What fraction of the pizza have I eaten? The answer is: The pizza was divided into 2 pieces and one of the two pieces were eaten. Let’s imagine now that I cut the pizza into 4…...

Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Example 1 Beatrice is ordering pizza for a party. Each pizza is cut into 12 pieces. Beatrice wants to have enough pizza so each person can have 4 pieces, and 16 people will be at the party. If Beatrice buys seven pizzas how many extra pieces will there be after each person eats 4 pieces.…...

Classification of Triangles

Triangles are classified based on two different characteristics: Whether or not the triangle has equal sides and; The size of the angle. Classification Based on Side Length  Scalene This type of triangle has no equal sides.   Isosceles This type of triangle has 2 equal sides. Equilateral All sides of the triangle are equal. Note:…...

Properties of a Quadrilateral

As we reviewed in a previous post, there are many different types of quadrilaterals. In this post we will be looking at the individual properties of each. Square   All angles are equal at 90 degrees All sides are of equal length Opposites sides are parallel The diagonals bisect each other at 90 degrees (you…...

Quadrilateral Overview

Note the beginning of the word quadrilateral is quad  and means 4. In this post we will look at shapes that have 4 sides, 4 vertices and four angles. The image above contains quadrilaterals only. All have the shapes have 4 sides, vertices and angles. Quadrilaterals can be divided into groups based in properties of quadrilaterals.…...