Category: Grade Six Science

GSAT Science Lessions

Party Treats

Party Treats   You’re planning a party.   Eight people are going to be at the party.   Jordan is bringing 24 cupcakes. Jack is bringing 16 cookies. Emma is bringing 48 fun sized candy bars. Hannah is bringing 32 mini bags of chips.   Using the manipulatives, show how to share each of the treats…...

What’s in Your Bedroom

What’s in Your Bedroom   Taysha has a square bedroom that measures 13ft. x 13ft. She recently moved and will put the following furniture pieces into her new room providing adequate walking space. Bed: 42 sq. ft. Nightstand: 12 sq. ft. Dresser: 36 sq. ft. Rug: 10 sq. ft. Bookshelf: 20 sq. ft.   Variation:…...

Skeleton & Bones Facts

Skeleton & Bones Facts Learn some fun bones and skeleton facts for kids. The human skeleton has 6 key functions and our skeleton can be split into 2 main parts. How many bones are there in the human skeleton? What is the largest bone in the human body? What makes bone marrow so important? Read…...

Male Reproductive System

When we looked at the female reproductive system , we discussed the fact that there are female gametes and male gametes. The male gametes are referred to as sperm. The sperm meets the female gamete, the egg, in the female’s reproductive system to create a new individual. The male reproductive system consists of organs that are…...

Female Reproductive System

The main aspect of life that sets the living apart from non living matter is our ability to reproduce ourselves. Living beings, animals, cells and whatever other term of reference that comes to mind, have methods of reproduction. This is so that we can go on living and populating the earth. This is one of…...

Parts of the Food Chain: Consumers

In the food chain there are producers and consumers. Producers, or autotrophs, make their own food. Plants are producers. Consumers cannot make their own food. They must consume other sources of energy. There are many levels of consumers. Let’s look at some different habitats to help illustrate these trophic levels in the food chain. Herbivores…...

Excretory System Overview

The build up of waste in any situation is detrimental to the environment we live in as well as our health and that of those around us. The situation is the same in our bodies. We cannot have a build up of waste products in our bodies, we will get sick and if the illness…...

Short Spelling Quiz–November 12, 2014

Choose the correct spelling for the words listed: 1. COMPPASSE a) compasse b) compass c) comppas d)compas e) none of the above   2) LANGITUDE a) longitude b) longitud c) langitud d) longtude e) none of the above   3) LATITUDE a) latiude b) latitud c) lattiude d) latutide e) none of the above  …...