Tag: Grade 6 Science Worksheets

Parts of the Food Chain: Consumers

In the food chain there are producers and consumers. Producers, or autotrophs, make their own food. Plants are producers. Consumers cannot make their own food. They must consume other sources of energy. There are many levels of consumers. Let’s look at some different habitats to help illustrate these trophic levels in the food chain. Herbivores…...

Science Worksheet–March 17, 2014

Complete the questions below. 1. Which of the following are examples of fossil fuels? a. soil, rocks and sand b. coal, oil and natural gas c. plants, trees and animals d. grass, leaves, cars 2. A _______ is a push or a pull. a. acceleration b. force c. motion d. velocity 3. Some beetles break…...

Integrated Science Quiz – 30 Questions

1. Condensation is when a liquid changes to a gas. a. True b. False 2. Any object or anything that takes up space and has mass is called a. stuff b. gas c. matter d. atoms 3. Surface landforms of an area are called topography. a.True b. False 4. _________ is a process in the…...

Sense of Touch By Sharon Fabian

The largest organ in your body is your skin. It weighs from six to ten pounds. It is made of two layers, the epidermis or the top layer, and the dermis or the bottom layer. The top part of the epidermis is a layer of dead skin cells. These flake off and are replaced all…...