Tag: Percentages

Percent Word Problems–November 11, 2014

Example In Jamaica 13 out of every 20 cans are recycled. What percent of cans are recycled?  are recycled. This is also the same as ; which when written in the proper form for long division becomes: Note that we are dividing a smaller number by a larger number so the answer will be less than…...

Finding a Percentage

Remember that percentages can be written as a fraction. The number per cent over 100: 30% is the same as . See Percentage Basics. When attempting to find the percentage of a number we multiply the percentage given (written as a fraction) by the number we want to find the percentage of. Example 1 Find 20%…...

Percentage Basics

What does percent mean? You are given a rectangle and asked to shade 30% of that rectangle. 30% written in words is 30 percent. For the purpose of this post and ease of understanding, 30 percent can also be written as 30 per cent. The suffix cent refers to 100. So essentially 30 per cent…...