Tag: Sense Organs Grade 6

Light and Dark Adaptation

When you are in bright light or even low light conditions, your eyes adjust to that particular light “level” so when you move suddenly from darkness to light or vice versa, your eyes have to adjust quickly to the change in the light conditions to allow for good vision. Light Adaptation Scenario: You’re alarm went…...

The Ear and its Functions: Mini Worksheet

This is a mini worksheet regarding the ear. Take your time to answer the questions. Please do your best.   1. The outer most part of the ear that collects the sound waves is termed the…? a. cochlea b. eardrum c. pinna d. incus   2. Which of the bones listed below is not apart…...

The Eye and its Functions

The eye’s function is sight. There are many different parts of the eye and we are going to take each apart piece by piece starting from the outside, moving in. You may have to refer to this diagram more than once in this lesson. The Cornea (orange on diagram) is the outer most part of…...

The Human Eye – 10 Questions

The Human Eye Instructions: Use the diagram of the human eye below to answer the questions. 1.   Which structure is represented by the letter “A” on the eye diagram above? a. retina b. pupil c. lens d. iris 2. Which structure is represented by the letter “B” on the eye diagram above? a. lens…...

The Human Skin – Worksheet, 20 questions

1. The skin is the largest organ in your body. a. True b. False 2. Identify two things that the epidermis does. a.It protects the layers beneath it. b. It lets water in. c. It keeps bacteria out of your body. d. It produces fat cells. 3. The difference in skin color is due to:…...

Caring for Your Amazing Eyes By Phyllis Naegeli

1     Close your eyes for a moment and imagine that you cannot see. Now open them and look around you. Isn’t it wonderful that you have the sense of sight? Some people are born blind; others have lost this sense. In order to prevent blindness, it is important to protect your eyes. Let’s look at some…...

The Human Ear Worksheet – Nine Questions

1. Write the letter from the diagram (A – L) that represents each structure next to its name.  ___auditory or Eustachian tube ___cochlea ___cochlear nerve ___external auditory canal ___incus or anvil ___malleus or hammer ____round window ____semicircular canals ____stapes or stirrup ____tympanic cavity ____tympanic membrane or eardrum ____vestibular nerve 2. Which of the following is…...